Riding from Edmonton to Yellowknife (1510km)
(Also view the GNWT map)
Riding from Edmonton to Yellowknife (1510km)
You can do it in one really long day or stop along the way.
Remember that around June 20-21 the sun hardly sets and not until around midnight.
Your gas consumption may vary, depending on weights and wind, etc. You may want to carry extra if you have an older bike/smaller tank. Cel service is VERY limited.
All amenities
178km to Whitecourt on Hwy 16 and #43
All amenities
172km to Valleyview on Hwy #49
All amenities
139km to Peace River on Hwy #2
Peace River
All amenities
100km to Manning on Hwy #35 (#35 all the way to the NWT border)
All - (good Chinese food at Sing’s)
197km to High Level
High Level
All - good midway point if you want to stop overnight
178km to Indian Cabins
Meander River
Gas station, limited hours
Indian Cabins
Store with some amenities (currently no gas), just south of the AB/NWT border
95km to Enterprise on NWT Hwy #1
Gateway Gas 867-988-3638 (Motel/gas/convenience store) open 9am - 10pm
130km to ferry on Hwy #1 then #3
Mackenzie River Bridge (1km)
Watch for bison guards (and bison!)
7km to Big River Services
Big River Service Centre
(more in Fort Providence just a little further along and off the highway)
317km to gas stations in Yellowknife
(or 224km to Behchoko) on Hwy #3)
Watch for Bison!
Chan Lake Park
Outhouse and day shelter
(87km? N of Fort Providence)
North Arm Park
Outhouse, day shelter, access to Great Slave Lake
another 107km to go, you may want to gas up here if you brought some.
Behchoko / Fort Rae
10 km off the highway, but has food & gas
If you didn’t bring gas, you may need to go in here.
all amenities
You’ve come this far, once you’re settled you may as well ride out past historical Giant Mine on the Ingraham Trail to the end of the pavement.
© www.nwtra.ca 2023
Some websites to check out:
(Also view the GNWT map)
Riding from Edmonton to Yellowknife (1510km)
You can do it in one really long day or stop along the way.
Remember that around June 20-21 the sun hardly sets and not until around midnight.
Your gas consumption may vary, depending on weights and wind, etc. You may want to carry extra if you have an older bike/smaller tank. Cel service is VERY limited.
All amenities
178km to Whitecourt on Hwy 16 and #43
All amenities
172km to Valleyview on Hwy #49
All amenities
139km to Peace River on Hwy #2
Peace River
All amenities
100km to Manning on Hwy #35 (#35 all the way to the NWT border)
All - (good Chinese food at Sing’s)
197km to High Level
High Level
All - good midway point if you want to stop overnight
178km to Indian Cabins
Meander River
Gas station, limited hours
Indian Cabins
Store with some amenities (currently no gas), just south of the AB/NWT border
95km to Enterprise on NWT Hwy #1
Gateway Gas 867-988-3638 (Motel/gas/convenience store) open 9am - 10pm
130km to ferry on Hwy #1 then #3
Mackenzie River Bridge (1km)
Watch for bison guards (and bison!)
7km to Big River Services
Big River Service Centre
(more in Fort Providence just a little further along and off the highway)
317km to gas stations in Yellowknife
(or 224km to Behchoko) on Hwy #3)
Watch for Bison!
Chan Lake Park
Outhouse and day shelter
(87km? N of Fort Providence)
North Arm Park
Outhouse, day shelter, access to Great Slave Lake
another 107km to go, you may want to gas up here if you brought some.
Behchoko / Fort Rae
10 km off the highway, but has food & gas
If you didn’t bring gas, you may need to go in here.
all amenities
You’ve come this far, once you’re settled you may as well ride out past historical Giant Mine on the Ingraham Trail to the end of the pavement.
© www.nwtra.ca 2023
Some websites to check out: