Please take a moment to vote for funding for Watch for Motorcycles stickers! No registration, just click the link and scroll down. One vote per device ;)
Due to extensive forest fires in the NWT, there are highway closures and lots of smoke. If you are planning a trip, please check the DOT website for the latest updates! Organizing is getting underway for the Last Putt Before Ya Freeze Yer Butt on Sept 9, let us know if you want to hlep out!
June 20 - Midnight Sun Run, a fun group ride under the midnight sun around Yellowknife. Starting with an SPCA BarBQ fundraiser and the Show & Shine ($20) at the YK Community Arena parking lot from 7-9pm then riding until midnight and stopping for a few photo-ops, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience! June 21 is a holiday in the NWT so you can sleep in the next day :) If you're looking at coming up, check out NWT Tourism site and the visit us page for more info and links, if you have specific travel questions, use the contact form here!
Do you ride a street-legal motorcycle? Did you know there was a group of riders in town who regularly get together for events and planned rides? It's the NWT Riders Association! Annual membership is only $20 and you'll get a vote
at meetings; be kept up-to-date on when and where we ride; as well as BarBQ's; Show & Shines; dibs on T-shirts and merchandise and many other things! For more info and a membership form, check out and come to the Annual General Meeting on April 22, 1pm at the YK Public Library. Don't forget there's a membership meeting Wednesday Feb 1 at Robin & Wayne's. Bring $20 if you want a T-shirt!
Charity Ride/Poker Run
All motorcycle riders and classic/muscle car/truck enthusiasts are invited to shine up their wheels and come out for a Charity Poker Run on Saturday August 20th. $40 a hand for a chance to win a return trip for 2 to Edmonton from First Air! Pre-Register now at for free a burger at Hot Shots. All proceeds to benefit the NWT SPCA Shelter Fund. Sponsored by First Air, Hot Shots, Ron's Equip, Bumper to Bumper, Force One, Acklands, Quality Furniture & the HD Boutique. If you're a National and NWT HOG member, there's a meeting on Wednesday night.
HOG NWT Annual General Meeting this Friday, January 21st at 6pm. The meeting will be held in the Akaitcho Business Development Corporation boadroom located in the Deton Cho building in N'Dilo, on the main floor. We really need for all of you to join us, as we have a lot of things to decide on for the future of our local HOG chapter. I do believe that this year was a start at getting the chapter back on track, and I cannot help but look to the bright future of our chapter...but to be successful we need your input...the members!!!
- Tanya |
Currently maintained by the Secretary of the NWTRA, just let me know if you want things posted or make a comment. Archives
May 2018